#NZWF16 ran Saturday 15 November at Media Design School, Auckland.
The event was presented by SCREENZ, with the generous support of NZ On Air, Media Design School and Johnson&Laird.
The finalists for #NZWF16 follow. Winners are marked ***:
Best Web Series
*** AFK
Auckward Love
End Of Term
Jack of All Trades
K Rd Stories
Lovely Little Losers
Best International Web Series/Show
*** The Agent
The Dump
Hitstroke FM
The Pantsless Detective (Season 3)
Real Tinder Convos
Outstanding Vlogger
Caito Potatoe
*** Fasitua Amosa, TheCoconetTV
Jimi Jackson
Kate Manihera
Kris Fox
Ollie Langdon
Best Web Show
Blade NZ
*** Mahinga Kai
Special Interest Award
*** The F Word
Pot Luck
Two Naked Gay Guys
Innovation Award
The Candle Wasters
Best Pilot or Trailer (Unproduced show)
The Bowlo
Dropped Pie
Life in the Shed
*** Ngā Ringa Toi o Tahu
The Popcorn Machine
The judges for #NZWF16 were:
Alex Galvin, Alice Shearman, Bevan Chuang, Brenda Leeuwenberg, Darren Bevan, Janette Howe, Jennifer Ward-Lealand, Julie Cooper, Justin Harwood, Ollie Langdon, Pete Rive, Peter Roberts, and Ryan Lamont.
Conference Programme
8.45am: Registration
9.15am: Welcome
Opening remarks: Keith Barclay
Host for the morning programme: Asad Naseem
Host for the afternoon programme: Ollie Langdon
9.30am: Skip Ahead
Two of the recipients of the Google-NZ On Air Skip Ahead initiative
discuss audience-building strategies and crafting the content audiences love
Hweiling Ow, H2Ow
Rowan Bettjeman, Viva La Dirt League
Moderator: Brenda Leeuwenberg, NZ On Air
10.15am: Getting Social
YouTubers discuss about the what, why, when, where and how of a successful channel
Caito Potatoe
Kasper Tait
Kate Manihera
Moderator: Asad Naseem
11.00am: Break
11.30am: Digital Native
Maori creators of online content discuss the opportunities and challenges
facing indigenous digital natives.
Lanita Ririnui-Ryan
Vicki Makutu
Facilitated by: Megan Douglas
12.15pm: The Candle Wasters
Candle Wasters Claris Jacobs and Robbie Nicol talk about their experiences
of storytelling in the digital era, their focus on a female audience,
and the projects that they currently have in development.
1.00pm: Lunch
2.00pm: Don’t Try This At Home
The web isn’t great at censorship. Or ratings. Or directions.
Let’s visit some of the places not everyone should go but NZ creators do.
Jaya Beach-Robertson, Psusy
Liam Coleman, These Two
Moderated by: Greg Smith
2.45pm: What’s the Future?
The future is here. Experience it in the company of some people who work there.
Lanita Ririnui-Ryan, Through the Fire
Melanie Langlotz, Geo AR Games
3.30pm: Break
4.00pm: Take the High Road
The winner of last year’s Web Series World Cup
(and the NZ Web Fest Best Web Series gong)
shares some never-seen material from the just-released third season
and talks globe-trotting, rock’n’roll and how to attract Oscar winners on a web series budget
Justin Harwood
Greg Smith
4.45pm: Wrap
Screening Programme
9.30am: Finalists, Best Pilot or Trailer
The Bowlo
Dropped Pie
Life in the Shed
Ngā Ringa Toi o Tahu
The Popcorn Machine
10.15am: Finalists, Best Web Series
Auckward Love
End Of Term
Jack of All Trades
K Rd Stories
Lovely Little Losers
11.30am: Finalists, Best Web Show
Blade NZ
Mahinga Kai
12.15pm: Finalists, Best International Web Series/Show
The Agent
The Dump
Hitstroke FM
The Pantsless Detective
Real Tinder Convos
2.00pm: Finalists, Outstanding Vlogger
Caito Potatoe
Fasitua Amosa, TheCoconetTV
Jimi Jackson
Kate Manihera
Kris Fox
Ollie Langdon
2.45pm: Finalists, Special Interest Award
The F Word
Pot Luck
Two Naked Gay Guys
3.30pm: End Screening Programme
6.30pm: Doors Open
7.00pm: Awards
The awards were hosted by Brittany Clark
8.15pm: Party
Team #NZWF16
#NZWF16 was created and delivered by
Amar Singh, Andrew Strugnell, Bea Lo, Charlie Chen, Jocelyn Bunch, Keith Barclay, KlicKSS Photography (Soni), Michelle Chua, Rena Zhu and Tony Forster.
Thanks to:
Analiese Jackson, Brenda Leeuwenberg, Julie Cooper, Kelly Lucas, Laura Toulmin, and Matt Smith.
- And the winner is …
- Simon Leslie and awards host Brittany Clark
- High Road creator Justin Harwood and Greg Smith
Photo: Isabella Francis - Liam Coleman, Jay Beach-Robertson and Greg Smith
Photo: Isabella Francis - Andrew Strugnell 1, Projector 0
- Team Coconet, winners of the Special Interest Award (The F Word) and Oustanding Vlogger (Fasitua Amosa)
- Kylie Connell accepts the International Web Series award on behalf of Dan Krige for The Agent
- Innovation Award winners Candle Wasters Claris Jacobs and Robbie Nichol
- Best Web Series winners Peter Haynes and Hweiling Ow, AFK
- Two wins for Ngai Tahu – Simon Leslie with trophies for Best Web Show (Mahinga Kai) and Best Pilot (Nga Ringa Ti o Tahu)
- The Skip Ahead panel
Photo: Tony Forster - Getting Social with (l-r) Asad Naseem, Caito Potatoe, Kate Manihera, Kasper Tait
Photo: Tony Forster - Getting Social panel
Photo: Tony Forster - Hweling Ow, Brenda Leeuwenberg, Rowan Bettjeman
Photo: Tony Forster - Team Pot Luck
- Did my Lotto numbers come up?
- Digital Native panel: Megan Douglas, Lanita Ririnui-Ryan, Vicki Makutu
Photo: Isabella Francis - Team Auckward
- Host Brittany Clark
- Team #NZWF16 – Michelle, Rena, Andrew, Jocelyn, Amar, Isabella, Brittany, Keith
- Best Web Series winners Peter Haynes and Hweiling Ow, AFK