Our submission period is 1 February – 31 August.
Please read this page before submitting. It ain’t short but it contains important info, updated for 2025. It will save us answering the same questions lots of times, and might save you some time and $$$.
2025 brings our eleventh edition.
Our submission deadlines are Early (31 March), Regular (31 May), Late (31 July) and Final (31 August).
Submissions are via FilmFreeway.
Fees increase after each deadline, so save yourself $$$ and submit early if you can.
We select on quality, so your submission has the same chance of being selected regardless of when you submit it.

Put the puppy eyes away! WE DO NOT OFFER FEE WAIVERS except as part of swap arrangements with partner festivals.
Last year we receive over 150 requests for fee waivers. To us, they mean more work and less income to deliver the festival. Many requests for waivers are sent to us via bcc email, so you can imagine how special we feel when we receive those. Our answer is always the same, and the second word is ‘off’.
You can see why we’re not keen on them, and you shouldn’t be either. Every fee waiver we grant is another title competing for selection, award nominations and wins, against submissions which have paid a fee.
We do offer fee discounts to our participants in our previous edition. We make these offers directly, via email, before we open submissions. If you submitted a show to us in 2024, you should receive a discount code to use in 2025 before we open submissions on 1 February.
If you didn’t receive one of those, please do get in touch with us at
Do us and yourself a favour, and make sure your submission info is correct and complete – and please update your FilmFreeway listing if something changes after you make a submission.
We receive around a dozen submissions each year for which the contact info supplied doesn’t work by the time we confirm all our selections in September. If that info is wrong, we probably can’t contact you. If we can’t contact you, we won’t select your title, we can’t nominate it for awards, so you wasted your submission fee.
Please include stills and social media links in your submission. We spend more time hunting down these things than any other info from submissions.
Please adhere to the runtimes. We don’t mind a submission being a tiny bit over the runtime, but please DO NOT submit a complete series as a single file, unless it’s below the runtime for the category.
Podcasts are accepted in the English language only, and we only accept audio files, not video – except in the Actual Play Video category.
Shorts and Web Series: If your submission is not English language, English language subtitles must be included, either baked into the video file or as a separate file (we prefer .srt).
NEW in ’25

We haven’t changed much this year, If you’ve submitted work to us in previous years, you won’t notice much difference until we complete selections and start to look at awards nominations. We’ve expanded our award categories (see our FilmFreeway page), and we’ll be delivering a more of the festival in person, for those in NZ. We won’t deliver any less online, so our overseas participants won’t miss out.
Vertical format shows
Shows in vertical formats may submit to web series or short film submission categories, and are eligible for selection and awards in that category.
In addition, vertical shows are eligible for consideration for a ‘Best Vertical title’ award for Short Films and Web Series.
Student work
Shows made by students may submit to all submission categories, receive fee discounts, and are eligible for selection and awards in that category.
In addition, shows by students are eligible for consideration for a ‘Best Student title’ award for Short Films and Web Series.
‘Student’ means registered at a recognised educational institute, not a ‘student of life’ or whatever other term you might use to describe a lack of gainful employment. Work submitted must have been created while a student, and may be part of coursework or made independently.
If you’ve used any AI tools in the creation of something you submit to us, that’s fine. We’re perfectly happy to accept and select titles made with AI assistance, but we so have some criteria around our award nominations.
Basically, if you’ve used AI for a particular task – eg writing – we won’t nominate your title for a writing award. It remains eligible for all other awards.
If your production is a wholly AI creation, we won’t nominate it for Best Title award (like Best Narrative Web Series). If we select a minimum of three wholly AI titles in an award category (eg Narrative Web Series), we will offer a Best AI title award for that category.

We know that it’s hard to keep up with everything that’s going on with every festival you submit work to.
We can’t fix that, but we can try to make it a bit easier to deal with us.
Here’s what you can expect from us after you submit.
We communicate by email to let you know what happens next, whether that’s to congratulate titles we select, to commiserate with those we’re unable to select, to request audio and video files from selections, to requests clips for award nominees, to issue invitations to award ceremonies, to check mailing addresses for trophy winners.
Please don’t communicate by other means (especially messaging apps and DMs on social) unless it’s urgent. We don’t always see those communications, and it’s usually much more efficient for us to track conversations through email.
Please make sure that emails from and don’t end up in your spam folder.
Of course, if you follow us on socials (@nzwebfest on facebook and instagram) and/or if you sign up for our monthly newsletter, you’ll also keep up to date with what we’re up to – and see timely deadline reminders for NZ Web Fest and other Web Series World Cup and Audio Fiction World Cup festivals.
If you’re one of those organised people who loves to plan ahead, here are our key dates for 2025 (all dates are NZ dates).
1 Feb: Submissions open
31 Mar: Early deadline
31 May: Regular deadline
31 Jul: Late deadline
31 Aug: Final Deadline
9 Sep: All selections announced
20 Sep: Award nominees announced
15 Oct: Full programme announced
7 Nov: NZWF25 opens
7-17 Nov: Enjoy all selected shows
17 Nov: NZWF25 closes
We expect to run our programme of Convo sessions on the weekends of 8-9 and 15-16 November, and our award ceremonies on Sunday 16 November, but these dates are not yet confirmed.

We try to keep this info correct and up to date, but please refer to our FilmFreeway page for definitive category-specific and submission fee info. Please note, where possible we present separate awards for NZ and International work.
Up to 30 minutes – Stories told for audiences using Roleplaying Games as a storytelling device. Must be available on at least one podcast app and have a minimum of three episodes released between 1 January 2024 and 30 September 2025. Please note that podcast submissions on Film Freeway must be made as Music/Songwriting.
Selections in this category earn ranking points in the Audio Fiction World Cup.
Up to 30 minutes – Stories told for audiences using Roleplaying Games as a storytelling device. Must have a minimum of three episodes released between 1 January 2024 and 30 September 2025.
Selections in this category earn ranking points in the Audio Fiction World Cup.
Up to 30 minutes – original non-fiction or adaptation of pre-existing non-fiction property. Must be available on at least one podcast app and have a minimum of three episodes released between 1 January 2024 and 30 September 2025. Please note that podcast submissions on Film Freeway must be made as Music/Songwriting.
Up to 30 minutes – original fiction, adaptation of pre-existing property, or fan fiction. Must be self-contained and not part of a larger story, and have been released between 1 January 2024 and 30 September 2025.
If your submission is an anthology podcast, you may submit a single episode with a self-contained story to this category. Please note that podcast submissions on Film Freeway must be made as Music/Songwriting.
Selections in this category earn ranking points in the Audio Fiction World Cup.
Up to 30 minutes – original fiction, adaptation of pre-existing property, or fan fiction. Must be available on at least one podcast app and have a minimum of three episodes released between 1 January 2024 and 30 September 2025.
If your submission is an anthology podcast, you may submit material from more than one episode, so long as it’s a single file. Please note that podcast submissions on Film Freeway must be made as Music/Songwriting.
Selections in this category earn ranking points in the Audio Fiction World Cup.
Up to 25 mins – standalone or part of an anthology.
If a short is from an anthology series, only the title submitted is considered for selection, not the whole collection. If you wish, you may submit separate titles from an anthology as separate entries.
If you collection plays online, you may submit the series to the appropriate Web Series category.
Must have been completed after 1 January 2024.
Up to 25 mins – standalone or part of an anthology.
If a short is from an anthology series, only the title submitted is considered for selection, not the whole collection. If you wish, you may submit separate titles from an anthology as separate entries.
If you collection plays online, you may submit the series to the appropriate Web Series category.
Must have been completed after 1 January 2024.
Up to 25 mins – standalone or part of an anthology.
If a short is from an anthology collection in which titles are made by different teams, only the title submitted is considered for selection, not the whole collection. You may submit separate titles from an anthology as separate entries.
If a short is from an anthology collection in which titles are made by the same team, the collection may be submitted to the appropriate Web Series category.
Must have been completed after 1 January 2024.
Up to 25 mins – a non-fiction series (serialised narrative or anthology) of which a minimum of 3 episodes have been released after 1 January 2024 or will release before 30 September 2025.
You may submit a single episode or combination of episodes up to 25 minutes as a single file.
Selections in this category earn ranking points in the Web Series World Cup.
Up to 25 mins – a narrative fiction series (serialised narrative or anthology) of which a minimum of 3 episodes have been released after 1 January 2024 or will release before 30 September 2025.
You may submit a single episode or combination of episodes up to 25 minutes as a single file.
Selections in this category earn ranking points in the Web Series World Cup.
Up to 25 mins – a narrative fiction or non-fiction series (serialised narrative or anthology) of which a minimum of 3 episodes have been released after 1 January 2024 or will release before 30 September 2025.
You may submit a single episode or combination of episodes up to 25 minutes, as a single file.
Selections in this category earn ranking points in the Web Series World Cup.
Up to 25 mins – a narrative fiction or non-fiction series (serialised narrative or anthology) FOR A FIRST SEASON ONLY of a show which has released no more than TWO episodes at time of submission.
You may submit a single episode or combination of episodes up to 25 minutes as a single file. Awards: Pilot. Also eligible for consideration for all awards in the category for which the show would qualify if a full series (eg, Animated, Factual, Narrative)
Selections in this category earn ranking points in the Web Series World Cup.
Thanks for taking the time to read through this.
If anything’s unclear or you have questions, please reach out to us at
Submit your work to us via FilmFreeway.
And, finally, good luck!