Team #NZWF19
by a great team of generous and talented people.
We were:
Festival Director
Keith Barclay
Awards Hosts
Soula Marie
Emmett Skilton
Patricia Ramos
Aimee Jones Watson
Anastasia Panova
Social Media
Priscila Carvalho
Samah Khan
Nilambari Junnare
Hanna Lu
Anggit Pangastuti
Charlie Chen
Sara-Jane Keane
* * *
Special Thanks
Our Awards Judges
Steve Barr, Yuval Berger, Hugo Bossaert,
Misha Calvert, Bevan Chuang, Thomas Coppell,
Luke Eve, Kirsty Griffin, Hanelle Harris,
Simon Leslie, Moumy Mbacké, Robin Murphy,
Roberto Nascimento, Hweiling Ow, Michele Pinto,
Maree Railton, George Reese, Lanita Ririnui,
Sophia Seaton, Ness Simons, Herman Wang,
Jennifer Ward-Lealand, Maria Zatulovskaya
Special Thanks to
Our Panel Members and Moderators
José Barbosa, Asmara Bhattacharya, Gary Daniels,
Cam Faull, Peter Haynes, Brian Holland,
Shanon Kulupach, Rose McMahon, Jennifer Monk,
Jake Pitcher, Lauren Porteous, Lanita Ririnui,
Dan Shanan, Holly Shervey, Nikki Si’ulepa,
Tupe Solomon-Tanoa’i, Crystal Vaega, Herman Wang,
Kelley Kerr Young
And, finally, A great big shout out to
all the amazing folk we work with at
our partner festivals around the world